The flight was going to be painful even before I boarded the plane. It was Hong Kong to New Delhi to Brussels then to Toronto. In total it would take 18 hours but it felt longer.
The Hong Kong to New Delhi was fairly easy. I had a seat close to the front of the plane so I could easily get on and off the plane. I had all my devices fully charged and ready to go incase there was no charger on the plane. It was a first for me. I just watched the movie Hugo again and ate my food. The flight was only 4 hours so it was fairly easy to do.
New Delhi Airport was super new and super clean which was a huge difference than the horrible experience I had in Mumbai. I got through security easily and managed to get some good Indian food while at the airport. The security to get on the plane was a bit crazy. I had to show my passport 4 times before boarding the plane and I had to wait for them to fully check it. The flight itself was great since no one was sitting beside me so I was able to stretch out a bit more. I got some sleep but the crying babies were keeping me up. We touched down in Brussels and it was my frist time in Europe. I am just waiting for the next leg of the journey.