The Dalai Lama when asked about what surprised him most about humanity
Comments closedGreen Tea Post Posts
Chung Yeung Festival is when families pay their respects to their ancestors. Families go to their ancestral grave sites to sweep and clean the grave…
Comments closedI miss Luang Prabang. This is one of the best pictures I have seen and I really miss my time there. I can’t wait to…
Comments closedThe view from one of the abandon villages along the hike to Lai Chi Wo. One of the things I love about Hong Kong is…
Comments closedI was going to work, the morning was warm and I was dressed to go into the office. I was working for Garfield Dunlop Member…
Comments closedMy students in Laos. They used Skype to call me on Sunday. It was so nice to talk to them.
Comments closedJack Layton, Leader of the Opposition and the NDP Party, his letter to the people after losing his battle with cancer
Comments closedI am home and it hs been a weird feeling. It is weird because Seoul (Korea) feels more like home than Canada does. A lot…
Comments closedVanida and Phout I am back in Hong Kong but I still have found memories of Luang Prabang Laos. A lot have been about the…
Comments closedMe Teaching in the temple. I knew it was going to be a rough morning. Saying good bye is always tough especially when it’s your…
Comments closedWhere I am sitting in Wat Sirimungkhun as the rain is coming down. Across is where the Novices (Monks-in-training). I’m at Wat Sirimungkhun Sayaram across…
Comments closedI’m not sure what to do. I’ll leave Luang Prabang on Friday. I’ve been teaching kids for the whole time. The best University in Laos…
Comments closedThis is the classroom where I teach 10 kids basic English. They have never had an English teacher. Most of the students come from the…
Comments closedI was walking around yesterday when I came across a beautiful Wat (Buddhist temple or monastery) I forget the name but it was similar to…
Comments closedI met her while getting some Lao noodle soup. She had a Japanese-Lao Dictionary and I asked to sit with her. She is a middle…
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