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America Now

I am a center right conservative or something I like to call a Canadian Conservative. It means I feel that government should help businesses create jobs and the role of government is to help business to create those jobs by providing a good education system, a good health care system, a good support system if things go bad (emergencies either natural or man-made). I am not into the more social issues that plague the conservative movement in the United States and drag it into the ground. If I were in America today, I would have voted for Obama.

I have always felt an election is only good when you have something to vote for. Based purely on media, this was impossible as the narrative was more focused on the scary things Romney would have done. Romney did and said things which did not dispel this in fact emphasized them. Obama should have ran more on his record and his plans for the future rather than fears of what Romney would do.

As for the Republicans, they need to remove the cancer from their party so it can grow. This anti-gay, anti-Hispanic, anti-woman, anti-black, anti-math and science must be ripped out of the party. They need to also work together with the other party to make compromises and not just oppose for the sake of opposing. They need to be refocused on the roots from what I remember: smaller government, more focused on sensible fiscal issues such as a balance of cuts and tax increases to make America stronger in the long term.

I have always loved America and it needs two strong parties so it can build a better future. It is not there yet but with this election hopefully it can return to a place with two or three parties of ideals not a political party and a cult.

Published in Hot Takes