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Grandma B.

My grandmother and I

I got the email while hiking and I knew it was coming. My grandmother has been ill for the past few weeks. She has been loosing a lot of weight over the past year. She said she has lost almost 15 kg’s and has been bleeding. She went for a scope and I was waiting for the results. I knew it was going to come and I knew it was not going to be good.

She has a large has a large cancer tumour on one side of her bowel which has to be removed as soon as possible. The doctor suspects that it has been growing for the past 10 years or more. In talking with my mother, they are going to take it out as soon as possible which means with in the month or so they hope. The health care system in Ontario Canada can be a bit tough since there are always line ups. It is free but it is hard to find service due to the demand. I worry about it.

Next week she will have an ultrasound to find out how big it is and to find out if they take it out will that be all or has it been growing. If it has been growing they will find out where and how dangerous it is. I am worried but at the same time I remain positive.

I hope for the best.

Published in Profile & Personal